A White Wedding: Dental Advice for Brides-to-Be

Tips to Breaking the Thumb Sucking Habit in Children

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Thumb sucking is a habit that children may develop while still in the womb. It is typically a comfort mechanism and as such is not a concern when babies are younger and toothless. However, as their teeth begin to erupt, this habit can have serious adverse effects on their dental formation. Normally, your upper teeth are supposed to slightly overlap your lower teeth as they grow. This is what becomes your bite.…

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Dental Attrition: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

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The process of tooth wear involves the progressive degradation and loss of the dental structure. This condition refers to any damage to the teeth that does not result from mechanical trauma during accidents and dental cavities. Tooth wear will occur naturally as you age but in cases, the problem is more complicated. The condition is manifested as erosion by chemical dissolution, abrasion caused by the scraping of the tooth surface or attrition.…

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Having a healthy teeth diet

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While most people realise that excessive amounts of sweets are are not good for your teeth, these are not the only foods that can play havoc with your dental health. If you have been having some concerns about your dental health why not these diet tips to improve your teeth. Avoid sticky foods It’s not just lollies that can stick to your teeth. Other starchy foods like crackers and crisps can also cling to the teeth after eating and create a perfect breeding ground for nasty bacteria, and a night drinking alcoholic drinks can lead to a less than pleasant fuzziness the next morning.…

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